Friday, June 3, 2011


I have enough problems of my own but somehow i still always managed to mess with others concerns that should have been other wise outside my own. On the other hand, i know a handful of people so oblivious they either pretend not to care or worse they really don't give a hoot.
In the animal kingdom the rule of thumb is always self preservation, and how special are we to deviate? Animals spawn/ multiply but once their offspring is old enough to hunt their own food its back to survival of fittest theme. I think this is what makes us human, we have the ability to empathize,to care and sometimes even impose ourselves and give unsolicited advice.  
Then i realized that it would have been easier for me to help if both my hands are free to  lend assistance, but then again when would that time come? its not like there will come a day when i'll be totally worry free and i can spend time helping and worrying about someone else s problem!
For the meantime i'll just juggle my own personal dilemma, do my best to resolve it and not wait for somebody to help me with it.  For all i know they too are juggling their own burden it would be unfair to expect them to juggle yours!

* image used not mine 

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